If you ever have an issue with WiFi, you can always wire directly into the FlashRouter to verify and/or update your current WiFi settings.
Enter the recommended wireless settings
Our team has tested the wireless functionality for each FlashRouter that we offer and shared our recommended wireless settings in our Wifi Setup area. Replicate the settings for your FlashRouter model found on that page if the 2.4GHz is not showing.
Change the wireless channel
Navigate to Wireless > Basic Settings
Change the wireless channel setting for the 2.4GHz band that is not appearing. The most broadly compatible channels are 6 and 11.

Refresh your device's network adapter
In rare instances the wireless adapter for your device may stop picking up WiFi networks and must be reset. This will be different for each device, that is why the best way to refresh your wireless adapter is to simply reboot any device in question and see if the adapter now picks up your WiFi networks.
Review wireless Status
Navigate to Status > Wireless
The readouts on this page can help tell if there are errors with the FlashRouter’s wireless. View our article on how to read the Wireless Status page for more information.