Router FAQs
What is an IP Address?
An IP (Internet Protocol) Address is a numerical assignment for each device (cell phone, iPad, laptop computer, printer etc) inside a network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. Internet Protocol is responsible for routing information packets across network boundaries. It is the main protocol establishing the Internet.
An IP address serves two predominant functions. First is to host or network interface identification. Second, it provides location addressing. To put it bluntly, an IP address tells wherever you are connecting, to whom you are visiting, and where you are located.
What is DNS?
DNS (Domain Name System) is a protocol within the TCP/IP protocol that uses a set of standards for how computers exchange data on the Internet and on many private networks.
The basic job of DNS is to convert a user-friendly domain name into an IP address that computers use to identify one another. Think of DNS like your cellphone contact list; you tap the name and the phone contacts to a phone number.
It is easier to remember, rather than its IP address. Imagine if you had to remember all of the IP addresses of your favorite websites!
What is DNSMasq?
DNSMasq is a local DNS server that speeds up host-name searches from your computer/Internet connection after pressing enter.
Basically, DNSMasq gives the router some advanced enterprise functionality – caching DNS records locally so you have a faster browsing experience. Your computer only has to go to the router instead of repeatedly scouring the web for a commonly visited site.
What is Throughput and How Do I Improve it?
Throughput is the average rate of successful delivery of messages through a network. Simply put, throughput measures the speed of message delivery inside a network. If you think about it in relationship to networks and Internet connections, throughput defines the user experience. The key to a pleasing user experience is uninterrupted service and smooth data transfer.
In order to improve throughput, you should get a router with more memory. If you notice that your network is running slowly due to congestion, you could probably benefit by upgrading your router to one with more memory. FlashMemory and RAM on a router add more room to prevent network congestion and improve throughput.
Most of FlashRouters‘ high-end units come with at least 8 MB of Flash memory and 64 MB of RAM which should be more than capable for providing for the average home users’ or small business will need in the future.
What is PPPoE?
PPPoE stands for Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet, a network protocol for encapsulating Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) frames inside Ethernet frames. It is used mainly with DSL services where individual users connect to a DSL modem over Ethernet.
With PPPoE, users virtually “dial” from one machine to another over an Ethernet network, establish a point-to-point connection and then data packets are securely transported through the connection.
PPPoE offers an Internet service provider (ISP) an easier way to track exactly how much bandwidth you are using in case they want to charge for it in the future.
What is the Difference Between VPN Encryption and Wireless Network Security?
VPN Encryption: If you are connected to the VPN on your home network, then any data that flows over the Internet is entirely encrypted whether you are connected to the Internet either wired or wirelessly. This means that if your Local ISP was trying to see what you are browsing or downloading, they would not be able to see your data.
Wireless Network Security: If you leave your wireless network open or insecure, it does not matter whether Internet traffic is encrypted, because someone can directly see what you are doing on your network, or even worse, can go in and put a wireless password on your network, locking you out. They may also be able to access folders and files on your computer without your control.
Best thing to do is protect your wireless network with a WPA secured password along with your VPN connection.
Are FlashRouters Affected By the Shellshock Bug?
According to our in-house testing and multiple DD-WRT community reports, we have found that the Shellshock vulnerability will not work on with DD-WRT or TomatoUSB installed router. The vulnerability is based on a shell called BASH (Bourne Again Shell) but DD-WRT & Tomato firmware use BusyBox which is confirmed to not have this issue.
Please be advised that if you are using Optware on your DD-WRT router there is a chance that implementation is BASH based. Only used trusted optware on your router.